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Identifying and describing the properties of 3D shapes!

Our home-schooled pupils have been learning about 3-D shapes and their properties.

Pupils were asked to name the shape and then discuss how many faces, edges and corners each shape has.

They then went on to describe the properties of different triangles by comparing triangles (equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle, right-angles triangle and scalene triangle)

The students produced posters to highlight the areas mentioned above.

Students are Rewarded with Golden Trophy Badges for Their Excellent Effort in Maintaining Classrooms!

Taking care of the Masjid and looking after it is encouraged and praiseworthy in Islam.

As an encouragement and for rewarding the children for their excellent effort in keeping their classrooms/Masjid tidy and clean we have introduced some golden trophy badges.

Each class member will get the opportunity to wear these badges for a set duration and results will be recorded.


In houses (masjids), which Allâh has ordered to be raised (to be cleaned, and to be

honoured), in them His Name is glorified in the mornings and in the afternoons or the

evenings, (Surah An-Nur 24:36)

As adults, we understand that there are many virtues of tidying the Masjid and Islam encourages us to do so.

Raising awareness of this to students will help build their character and develop them as responsible model individuals.

Solving Maths Puzzle Games!

Pupils had lot of fun this week solving challenging puzzles using the BrainBox game.

This game helps the children with basic mathematical concepts, including numbers, shapes and measurement.

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Autumn themed Poems by Key Stage 2!

Key stage 2 have been working on Autumn themed writing activities during some of their English lessons.

Students were asked to do some research on hibernating animals, migrating birds, seeds, fruits and nuts as well as the weather of autumn and then present them on poster paper.

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