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We have been learning about Idioms and Symbolsims!

Every language has its own idioms and expression and the English language has plenty of phrases that is useful to learn. Idioms are words or phrases that are not meant to be taken literally and usually have a cultural meaning behind them. Most of the English idioms you hear are offering advice’s but also contain some underlying principles and values. Our home-schooled children ages 10-11 have been having fun trying to work out what the meaning behind commonly used idioms we use in our our every day life.

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Making Pancakes- With a Side of Science!

Our home-schooled girls aged 13-14 have been ‘Raising- Standards’ in their science experiments! The group enjoyed a fun session at the Tuiton club making Pancakes. Ever wondered what does science have to do with pancakes?.. well,  when you make pancake batter you are mixing a whole range of different chemicals – so all sorts of reactions take place in the cooking! The dry ingredients contain flour and sugar, as well as salt and maybe either baking powder or baking soda. Flour supplies protein, molecules made of lots of amino-acids joined in chains, along with starch, which similarly is made of lots of simple sugar molecules joined in chains.

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We have been Working at Greater Depth!

Our home- schooled children ages 6-7 have been working at greater depth in their reading and writing!.Working at greater depth means a child is not only on their way to master the expected stage for their age, but able to delve into it in more detail. In English, working at greater depth might look like using different sentence types and lengths, being aware of how their audience affects their tone and style, or writing with a ‘reader’s eye’, re-reading and editing their own work to ensure it’s enjoyable to read.

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Writing a Descriptive Account During English Class

Descriptive writing imprints images into the reader’s mind, making you feel as though you’re “right there.” Its all about engaging the five senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch to transport the reader and stir emotion. By choosing vivid details and colorful words, good writers bring objects, people, places, and events to life. Instead of merely telling you what they see, they use their words to show you.

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DIY Dinosaur fossils with Sour Dough!

Our home schooled children in year 3 and 4 have been learning all about fossilization during their science lesson. The children have learnt that fossils are the preserved remains or traces of living things from the past. There are many ways to form fossils. The experiment conducted by the children modelled the casting and moulding method. The dent made by the object, in this case were mini- dinosaur figurines in the clay is the mould. It shows the detail of the object’s surface. Groundwater leaks in to the moulds and then evaporates, leaving minerals behind. The minerals dry up and harden and this creates a cast. The children went on to pour pva glue into the moulds and baked in the oven to harden up to reveal their very own fossils!

Online students learn the basic rule for subject-verb agreement!

Our online home-schooled students have been learning the basic rule for subject-verb agreement.

Children were asked to read the sentence and type the correct verb, matching a singular noun with singular verb.

They also worked on an online activity identifying an adverb in a sentence and describing what adverbs are for.

They then moved on to use an adverbs to create their own sentences.

Tactile learning- Creating a Texture Collage in Art!

Tactile learners learn best through movement.

In Art & crafts our home-schooled children have been looking at images of buildings through feel and texture.

They have got to experience and remember patterns using their fingers creating a texture collage.

This activity helped those experiential artists because it adds a tactile aspect to the activity.

Using a wide range of materials with a variety of textures the children got to cut out random geometrical shapes to create their texture collage.

Online Students Colour by Number Addition up to 20!

Our online students have been practicing their basic addition of numbers up to 20 while developing essential fine motor and coordination skills at the same time.

Each section of the picture contains a simple addition sum that adds up to a number equalling 20 or less, with the answer relating to a specific colour dictated by a key at the bottom of the sheet.

This activity has helped the children engage with the learning in a creative way and begin to recognise the answers to common addition sums up to 20.

In addition, colouring by numbers is a fun way to assess colour and number recognition skills alongside a great way to reinforce key concepts.

Spelling book activity during English online Lesson!

Our online students have been recording different words they don’t understand or can’t spell very well, adding them to their Spelling/Dictionary Book

This method allows the children to develop dictionary skills and work on their vocabulary.

The children have also added illustrations to make them visual, helping create a context for words.

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