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Author: Admin

Excellent start to the New Academic Year during Arabic lessons!

Our home-schooled children have had an excellent start to the new academic year.

During Arabic lessons they have been working on letter writing which focused on their summer holidays.

Letter writing is an essential skill which is also taught during Arabic lessons. It is also fun and helps to compose written text and provide handwriting practice.

Children must be aware of different styles of writing, the use of formal and informal letters, and to select style and vocabulary appropriate to the intended reader.

Our home-schooled students have produced some excellent work which can be viewed here

Ceremony Success-Tuition Club is Now Closed for the Summer Holidays!

Alhamdulillaah yesterday afternoon we came to the end of another year at the Tuition Club and to celebrate the achievements of our home-schooled students, we held an end of year ceremony and a parents afternoon.

During the ceremony our students were rewarded for achieving a 100% mark in all subjects on the Tuition Club behaviour and effort charts and were presented with certificates and gifts.

Some of our Arabic students also gave a presentation and this included some lovely speeches from some of our home-schooled children.

After the ceremony we held a parent’s afternoon, which gave parents the opportunity to speak to the tutors regarding their child’s progress.

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Amazing Time at Play Factore Manchester!!

Our home-schooled students, parents and tutors had a great day out at Play factore in Manchester on Tuesday Alhamdullilah.

Our end of academic year trips were well deserved by our students for their hard work and effort throughout the year.

Home schooled students and staff from the sister’s side of the Tuition Club enjoyed visiting the indoor play arena which included the tallest standing indoor slide in the UK, as well as the full indoor laser tag arena, go-kart track, and stimulating virtual reality environment.

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Soft Play, Lazer Tag & LUNCH!

Alhamdulillah we are in our final term of our fourth academic year here at The Tuition Club.  We are all thankful to Allah for making it a success and we pray that we continue to grow and improve for many years to come in shaa Allaah.

To celebrate the end of the academic year we have an exciting trip for the sister’s side tomorrow Tuesday 16th July 2019. We believe that these trips are well deserved by all of our home-schooling students and we hope that it will be an enjoyable day for all.

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Using Watercolour Techniques on Individual Paintings!

Our home-schooled children have taken each of their individual paintings and have added colour to their artwork.

Using watercolours, they have been able create a painting whereby light reflects off the white of the paper and bounces up through the colours, giving it a luminosity.

Also, by using a range of brushes the children were able to experiment with different sizes to work out what would be ideal for those little details within their artwork.

Watercolour techniques such as working from light to dark have helped build the values up layer by layer to arrive at the effect that was intended.

Students Practice Arabic GCSE Exam Papers!

Some of our home-schooled children have been working through the Arabic GCSE curriculum.

Going through GCSE exam past papers as well the linked language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing have helped the children check command words carefully to understand what the questions are asking.

The use past papers also helped students manage their time well and set a time frame to complete each question.

Some exam techniques included going through past paper answers with a different colour pen to highlight any marks lost, or corrections needed.

Such skills as mentioned above are vital in preparation for exams as well aiding in developing an ability to use the language effectively for practical communication.

Famous Paintings by Van Gogh!

Our home-schooled children have been learning all about the famous artist Vincent Van Gogh.

Vincent Van Gogh was a Dutch artist. He painted portraits and landscapes and used watercolours and oil paints.

He is famous for using bright colours and bold brushstrokes in his work.

He painted in a style called Post-Impressionism.

The children have been focusing on two of his famous paintings, Sunflowers (1888) and Starry Night (1889) and producing some excellent sketching artwork using a variety of directional lines.

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