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Author: Admin

Is the moon a planet?

Our home-schooled students have been exploring what they know about the moon and whether they think the moon is a planet.

A planet is a sphere made of rocky material or gas that orbits the sun.

A moon, on the other hand, is a sphere of rocky material that orbits a planet, just like our moon orbits Earth.

Students took part in a fun creative activity looking at the names of the planets in our solar system.
The oral activity gave the opportunity for students to recall the properties of a planet and list them in their books.

Visuals were included of planets as part of class discussion to connect properties of the planets and then compare them to the moon.

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Narrative Nonfiction Writing

Our home-schooled children have been looking at narrative nonfiction texts to help structure a story and look at key features to include.

The students looked at examples of narrative structure which helped to work towards their narrative writing task.

Some of the elements included looking at and discussing the following:

  • Developed characters.
  • Engaging dialogue, written as in a novel, as opposed to direct quotations.
  • A story using scenes that follow a narrative.
  • Use of literacy devices such as imagery, symbolism, and metaphors.

By looking at the above elements the students were able to explore the purpose and importance of structure within narratives.


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On Friday afternoon we came to the end of another half-term at Tuition Club Online and to celebrate the achievements of our online students, we held a ceremony.

During the online assembly, we shared the wonderful work that our online students had completed with parents and tutors.

The students had the opportunity to see the achievements made by different age groups.

We had a few student performances ranging from presenting a descriptive story, explanation of topic-based work, and showcasing some Geography/Science experiments.

Students were rewarded for their exceptional efforts and were presented with certificates and gifts.

Have a look at their amazing work below!


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Arabic Pronoun Tree Poster

Recently our Arabic Language students have been learning about pronouns during their Arabic sessions.

There are two types of pronouns in Arabic, one is the Attached Pronoun, and the other is Detach Pronoun.

Usually, pronouns take the place of a noun and function as a subject of the sentence.

The students have designed their own posters to help them remember and learn these pronouns.

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How to Make a Volcano Experiment!

Volcanic eruptions are one of the most powerful natural forces on our planet.

In Geography the children were set a project to make their own miniature erupting volcano to help start learning about these incredible geological features.

Using everyday kitchen items, the students were able to use paper-mâché and cardboard to create the model volcano.

A chemical reaction between vinegar and baking soda creates a gas called carbon dioxide.

Carbon dioxide is the same type of gas used to make the carbonation in sodas.

If you shake up a soda the gas gets very excited and tries to spread out.

There is not enough room in the bottle for the gas to spread out, so it leaves through the opening very quickly, causing an eruption!

A full explanation was provided to the students and they were able to perform this volcano experiment and enjoyed the learning experience with family at home.


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Understanding Glacial Earthquakes!

Our age 8-9 homeschooled children have been investigating the causes of earthquakes during their recent science sessions.

Some of the most spectacular features on our planet from the Himalaya Mountains to the Pacific and Atlantic oceans have been created in association with earthquakes.

Earthquakes are caused by motions in the Earth’s plates. While earthquakes can be destructive, they are also an expression of the dynamic forces within Earth that shape the planet on which we live.

The children were given a hands-on activity to complete at home.

This involved investigating the effect of glacial movement on landforms.

The children used sandy ice cubes as a model of a glacier which had pieces of rock in its ice.

Once they completed the activity, they recorded the results and gave a description of what they discovered.

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Learning Arabic Language Online!

Our Young Learners have been showing great effort in forming letters in Arabic.

By providing clear directions for where to begin and which direction to go in the students have been able to develop their writing skills in the Arabic Language.

Our Young learners have used Arabic dot-to-dot worksheets to help develop these skills which they have been able to join the dots and continue by themselves.

Creating Wax Tablets & Roman Standards in History!

In History, the children have been learning all about the Romans.

Roman children learned to write using a wax tablet.

This was a wooden board covered with a thin layer of beeswax.

The letters were scratched onto the wax surface with a sharp stick called a stylus.

The letters were rubbed out by smoothing them over with the round end of the stylus, leaving the tablet fresh and ready to use again and again.

The students have also been learning about Roman Eagle Standards. Standards were tall poles topped with various emblems and symbols which were used in battle.

The students have had a lot of fun creating their own wax tablet to practice writing the Roman alphabet and numerals.



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Creating Vocabulary Wheels Online!

Our home-schooled students have been creating these exciting and engaging Word Wheels in their English lessons to aid in learning vocabulary.

The children use this aid by spinning the wheel to discover more ambitious words to help improve their writing!

The wheel includes an exciting selection of commonly over-used words (big, small, went, looked, said, and nice).

This simple and discreet resource is perfect to be used as a visual aid during writing activities or as part of a lesson starter.

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Historical Recipes-Roman Cookbook

Our Online History students have been looking at historical recipes to learn about food from the past.

The focus has been learning about Roman recipes.

The Romans brought a lot of food to Britain therefore it was interesting for the children to learn about this.

They brought turnips, apples, pears, celery, carrots, asparagus, and grapes to Britain which you could be incorporated in a banquet.

Children are much more likely to remember the recipes if they have been able to make them themselves and eat them too. The most exciting way to teach children about the foods from the Roman period is to get as creative as possible therefore the children have been encouraged to create a recipe book and try out the recipes at home.


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