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Author: Admin

Handmade beaded bracelets-Jewellery Making in Arts & Crafts!

Last week our home-schooled children focused on Handmade Jewellery making during Arts & Crafts lessons.

The children started with drawing their own creative designs of their own Jewellery and looked for inspiration from other resources.

They looked at a selection of necklaces, brooches and bracelets. They designed their own piece of jewellery and then made a simple bracelet.

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Exploring visual art using different materials!

This term the children been exploring visual art looking at different materials such as felt, fabric different types of papers with various textures such as card, cellophane tissue paper and have looked at different shapes to create collages.

Many contemporary artists, such as Fred Tomaselli, continue to work in collage.

The boundaries of this medium are endless, and you will find many artists using some unusual materials.


Students practice how to write a سيـــــــــرَة ذاتِيَـــــــــــــــــة (CV) in Arabic!

A curriculum vitae (CV) is a type of résumé that highlights academic achievement.

During Arabic lessons the children have been creating a سيـــــــــرَة ذاتِيَـــــــــــــــــة (CV) advertising their abilities while giving insight into their personalities.

This activity helped the children to think about their skills and experiences using the Arabic language. Using standard headings such as

المعلومــــــــات الشَّخصيــــــــــــة (Personal information) the children presented a set of information displayed on their CV.

Measuring Volume by Counting Unit Cubes!

Some of our home-schooled children have been learning about Volume during their Maths lessons.

Volume is the amount of space in a 3D Shape. It is measured in cubic units.

The children were able to find the volume of the shape by counting how many unit cubes fit inside it.

The students also got to write down the length, width, and depth and then work out the volume and surface area.

Resources such as multi-link cubes aided in making the shapes to work out the volume and surface area.

BAKE OFF 2019!

Amazing Bake-Off Entries by Our Home-Schooled Students and Tutors!


Alhamdulillaah last Thursday was the end of another half term at the Tuition Club, and it ended in a joyful afternoon with the return of the Bake Off!

We were extremely impressed by all the entries this year as the tables were heaving with delicious savoury and sweet treats related to a subject studied at the Tuition Club.

The outcome showed remarkable creativity by both our home-schooled students and tutors.

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Hurricanes and Extreme Weather Conditions-Science Project

One of our home-schooled children has been busy working on a Science project all about Hurricanes.

  • A hurricane is a huge, rapidly rotating storm.
  • When winds reach 74 miles per hour, a hurricane starts off.
  • Hurricanes can be up to 600 miles across and have strong winds of up to 200 mph.
  • Hurricanes occur with extreme weather conditions.

The project focused on what Hurricanes are and how to react if one approaches..

Students Learn The Particles أَنَّ , إِنَّ and أَنْ in Arabic!

The particle inna (ان) is known as an accusative particle because of its effect on the case ending of its subject.

Like the verb kāna (كان), an accusative particle will take a subject and a predicate although with different case endings.

Because of this similarity, these particles are considered to be verb-like.

Students have been learning verbs and particles during their Arabic lessons at Tuition Club

Healthy eating experiences in Geography!

In Geography, some of our home-schooled children have been exploring a Land and Water Map of Arizona.

They have discussed that Arizona has deserts and these deserts are hot and dry. They are also sandy and rocky. Arizona has a large canyon which is a deep valley that has steep sides.

To help them understand the concept further, tutors have included a food tasting activity which included tasting different types of food eaten in Arizona such as the Pitaya/Pitahaya (the fruit of several different cactus species) and the Dragon Fruit.

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Creating Mesmerising Marble Paintings in Art & Crafts!

Our home-schooled children have been creating some wonderful abstract work of art focusing on Marble painting.

Marbling has been around for over 1000 years, with beautiful examples in ancient Turkish and Japanese texts.

It is known as Suminagashi in Japan.

Today there are artists who specialise in ancient marbling techniques.

This was a fun and easy marble activity that allowed the children to self-direct their learning, while enhancing hand-eye co-ordination.

The children got to create swirling patterns of pigment on water and captured them on paper.

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